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Consent to Collection and use of Personal Information

[Consent to Collection and use of Personal Information]

Kakao Games collects and uses personal information for the transmission of game and event information. If you do not agree to consent to Collection and use of Personal Information, event procedure is not possible.

  • - Purpose of Collection : Participation in events, Benefits payment, Repond to Customer Inquiries, transfer advertising information
  • - Categories of personal information collected : Country Information, Email Address
  • - Region of retention and use of personal information : Korea, Taiwan, Japan
  • - Period for use of personal information
    : [Event] Destroyed within 6 months from the time of withdrawal request for event participation or from the time of event participation
    : [Ad reception] Destroyed at the time of withdrawal from event participation or the time of application for withdrawal of ad reception
  • - Entrustment of Personal Information Processing : Redlab Games, Quakerz, Limeworks, onionfive
  • - To cancel your Pre-Registration, please submit a 1:1 inquiry. [Link]

[Consent to Overseas Transfer of Personal information]

  • 1. Personal information items to be transferred: country information, email
  • 2. Countries, times and methods to which personal information is transferred: Japan, Taiwan, South Korea Transmitted to the network at the same time pre-register the character name.
  • 3. Recipient of the personal information transfer: Kakao Games
  • 4. Purpose of use and retention/use period of the personal information by the recipient: Destroyed within 6 months from the time of participation in the pre-registration event
  • 5. How to refuse transfer of personal information, procedure and effect of refusal: Please submit your intention to transfer personal information overseas through 1:1 inquiry. If you refuse to move overseas, you will not be able to participate in the pre-registration event.
  • - Customer Support for 1:1 inquiries [Link]

[Consent / Withdrawal for Receiving Advertising Information]

Kakaogames will inform you about various news, benefits, and events related to PC and mobile games operated by Kakao Games and third-party affiliated product services through Kakaogames' notification channels (email, app push).

If you wish to withdraw from event participation or do not want to receive advertising messages from Kakaogames, you can withdraw at any time during the event period by clicking on the event v withdrawal at the bottom of the homepage or through the 1:1 customer support. You can also withdraw anytime using the opt-out feature at the bottom of the advertising message.

If you refuse to receive advertising messages, Kakaogames will not be able to send a news, coupons, or event products provided by Kakaogames during event participation.

1:1 Customer support [Link]

Consent to Collection and use of Personal Information

[Consent to Collection and use of Personal Information]

Kakao Games collects and uses personal information for the transmission of game and event information. If you do not agree to consent to Collection and use of Personal Information, event procedure is not possible.

  • - Purpose of Collection : Participation in events, Benefits payment, Repond to Customer Inquiries, transfer advertising information
  • - Categories of personal information collected : Country Information, Email Address
  • - Region of retention and use of personal information : Korea, Taiwan, Japan
  • - Period for use of personal information
    : [Event] Destroyed within 6 months from the time of withdrawal request for event participation or from the time of event participation
    : [Ad reception] Destroyed at the time of withdrawal from event participation or the time of application for withdrawal of ad reception
  • - Entrustment of Personal Information Processing : Redlab Games, Quakerz, Limeworks, onionfive
  • - To cancel your Pre-Registration, please submit a 1:1 inquiry. [Link]

[Consent to Overseas Transfer of Personal information]

  • 1. Personal information items to be transferred: country information, email
  • 2. Countries, times and methods to which personal information is transferred: Japan, Taiwan, South Korea Transmitted to the network at the same time pre-register the character name.
  • 3. Recipient of the personal information transfer: Kakao Games
  • 4. Purpose of use and retention/use period of the personal information by the recipient: Destroyed within 6 months from the time of participation in the pre-registration event
  • 5. How to refuse transfer of personal information, procedure and effect of refusal: Please submit your intention to transfer personal information overseas through 1:1 inquiry. If you refuse to move overseas, you will not be able to participate in the pre-registration event.
  • - Customer Support for 1:1 inquiries [Link]

[Consent / Withdrawal for Receiving Advertising Information]

Kakaogames will inform you about various news, benefits, and events related to PC and mobile games operated by Kakao Games and third-party affiliated product services through Kakaogames' notification channels (email, app push).

If you wish to withdraw from event participation or do not want to receive advertising messages from Kakaogames, you can withdraw at any time during the event period by clicking on the event v withdrawal at the bottom of the homepage or through the 1:1 customer support. You can also withdraw anytime using the opt-out feature at the bottom of the advertising message.

If you refuse to receive advertising messages, Kakaogames will not be able to send a news, coupons, or event products provided by Kakaogames during event participation.

1:1 Customer support [Link]

모바일게임 PC 환경 이용 정책

본 정책은 모바일 플랫폼을 기반으로 개발 및 서비스하는
게임(이하 '모바일게임')을 PC 환경에서 이용하기 위해 필요한 정책입니다.
모바일게임은 기본적으로 모바일 환경을 통해 게임서비스를 제공하지만, 회사는 회원의 편의성 증대를 위하여
PC 환경에서도 게임서비스를 추가적으로 제공할 수 있습니다.
모바일게임을 PC 환경에서 이용하시더라도 모바일서비스 이용약관 및 운영정책이 적용되며, Daum게임 계정 정책
등 PC 환경에서 게임서비스를 이용할 때 적용되어야 할 내용은 다음 게임 서비스 약관이 우선합니다.
서비스 이용과 관련한 상세한 안내는 각 서비스 이용약관, 운영정책 및
롬: 리멤버 오브 마제스티 서비스 FAQ를 확인해 주시기를 바랍니다.

롬: 리멤버 오브 마제스티는
청소년이용불가 게임입니다.

롬: 리멤버 오브 마제스티